giovedì 31 luglio 2014

Profili frontali

Scrivere per scrivere

Lettere e suoni
in natura sono una cosa sola
anche il mulo comprende
cio che l'altro dice

noi invece esseri perfetti
e per esser stati fatti in toto
da man divina
riusciamo a malapena

a comprender cio che diciamo
per poi scrivere
chilometri di idiozie
a cui solo noi crediamo

in mezzo a tanta nebbia
un po di luce vera
viene tuttavia
per esser considerata a torto

lucida follia


if you are genius solve this

10 More Amazing Science Stunts (3)

MeBook!: L'amicizia

MeBook!: L'amicizia

mercoledì 30 luglio 2014

Scemo chi legge

Sara' capitato anche a voi
leggere sui muri
o sopra un foglio
uno scritto che riflette

tutta quella fantasia
che rallegra gli animi
con ironia ed effetto

non ne fui mai offeso
anzi , apposi a questi scritti
con ironia sottile
un''figurati chi scrive''

lunedì 28 luglio 2014

Un futuro futuribile


Su questa bella terra sta diventando sempre più difficile sognare e vivere serenamente e con autenticità la propria esistenza.La retorica del bisogno ha fatto il suo tempo come la violenza come mezzo di sopraffazione.La vecchia cultura sta scomparendo, grazie ai nuovi mezzi d'informazione che suggeriscono nuove soluzioni per ognuno indifferentemente dalla propria posizione sociale ed economica.Il sapere è sempre stata l'unica vera ricchezza dell'uomo, le informazioni ,l'algebra, la geometria ,la filosofia hanno cambiato il mondo e l'uomo stesso apportando benefici alle proprie coondizioni di essere, questo privilegio in passato era nelle mani di pochi eletti che solo a condizione di obbedienza cieca da parte degli adepti offrivano le stesse facendo promettere anche con intimidazioni di non rivelare i "Segreti".Questa distrorsione sulla ragione vera delle cose ha creato un infinità di conflitti oltre all'ignoranza.La scuola stessa insegna ben poco sulle capacità individuali e sulle innumerevoli possibilità che sono nel patrimonio genetico di ognuno con le sue peculiari specialità ,formando gli allievi solo in una determinata direzione stabilita dall'autorità statale del proprio paese escludendo qualsiasi confronto dialettico con altre possibilità .La stessa scienza si è prestata a questo meccanismo usando il termine "quoziente intellettivo" per identificare quelle differenze rispetto ai "propri schemi".I test sono la risultante di questo meccanismo (personalmente conosco delle persone che superano i test in maniera strabiliante, ma non per questo li ritengo più intelligenti di una formica o di un bruco)in virtù del quale ci si abitua a prendere posizione rispetto a quelli che apprendono con minore velocità credendo di aver raggiunto il sapere , ma in realtà registrano solo tecnica e nozionismo, molti di questi fenomeni dopo aver superato gli esami test dimenticano quasi tutte le nozioni perché non necessarie allo svolgere delle attività che realmente offre il lavoro e levicessitudini della vita.Certamente per un analfabeta sarà impossibile scrivere un poema come per uno scrittore può essere difficilissimo lavorare la la terra o impastare il pane.In tutte queste attività non esiste una differenza sostanziale di sapere, perchè ciascuna"scienza"consentitemi il termine, si regola con i propri sistemi di riferimento(esempio il matematico con la matematica, lo scrittore con lo scrivere , il fornaio col fuoco e col pane etc. Etc.).Per questo motivo ritengo che tutte queste arti sono nobili in egual modo e che il lavoro delle mani e della mente non presenta differenze.Ogni uomo sviluppa le sue capacità rispetto al contingente ,spesso inconsapevolmente impara e ancor più inconsapevolmente dimentica .La cultura stessa sta entrando in un nuovo ciclo , ogni giorno sempre più scrittori pubblicano le proprie impressioni e le condividono , ed hanno successo , questo mi piace davvero ,finalmente l'uomo sceglie cosa fare per se stesso non relegando questo compito ai sapienti.Purtroppo la cultura petulante ricca di retorica e colma di concetti troppo astratti ha fatto un passo indietro rispetto alla verità di questi eventi ritenendo la tecnologia un male in quanto priva di sentimento.Falso! Nessun uomo può liberarsi dai propri sentimenti ( tutti li hanno come corredo naturale anche gli assassini e i mostri).Ciascuno di noi è la risultante dei processi precedenti che non solo meccanici ma anche intellettivi.Da piccoli viviamo in un mondo meravigliso ricco di opportunità e fantasia , qualsiasi cosa è oggetto della nostra attenzione,col crescere ci viene imposto di avere un certo atteggiamento rispetto alla variabilità delle cose , questo condizionamento infuso crea nell'individuo i conflitti e le differenze, la cultura del luogo impone dei canoni precisi di comportamento secondo i quali "bisogna modellare se stessi".Falso!E' impossibile modellare l'uomo mentre è possibile renderlo capace di capire se stesso , da solo, senza l'aiuto di un dio o di un messia di altro fattore esterno, .Nel proprio patrimonio naturale ci sono tutte le scienze sia passate che future bisogna solo cercarle , anzi bisogna avere la curiosità di cercarle come fanno i bambini quando apprendono qualcosa e questo li rende felici.L'uomo ha questa naturale capacità di relazionare le cose più disparate confrontarle per crearne altre nuove, questa è la vera ricchezza e potete starne certi è in ognuno di noi.

Giuseppe Ciaravolo


domenica 27 luglio 2014

Philippe Jaroussky - Vivaldi aria

Gnomonica 4 Ore Planetarie Eclittiche di Sacrobosco a cura di Nicola Sev...

Jung Lin Performs Liszt's "Hungarian Rhapsody no 2"

Potenza n-esima di un Binomio

Recuerdos de la Alhambra played by Andres Segovia

Sollazzevoli Storie Di Mogli Eaudenti E Mariti Penitenti - D

Liquid Tension Experiment - Acid Rain Live In L.A. 2008


L'opera Al Nero André Delvaux 1988

Cinque minuti e torno

La biblioteca

Antica e' quella ricerca
che l'uomo volge alla natura
dell'esperienze andate
non c'e' luogo piu sicuro

del grande mausoleo della cultura
tutto messo sottochiave
perche lo scritto ha superato
valor di contenuto

essendo in pergamena
carta pecora e papiro
si custodisce la materia
facendo fallo all'anima

il saggio Malatesta fu capace
ad aggiornar i codici ormai persi
in una mia ricerca personale
scopro che qui a Cesena

v'e' ne uno di Avicenna
che tratta di storia naturale
impossibile averne copia
ancor piu improbabile toccar col dito il foglio

tutto tenuto sorvegliato
in ermetica teca
come fosse tonno pinna gialla
lavorato e messo sotto sale

acquisti la pubblicazione
di professor ti
zio, la relazion di signor caio
ma io non voglio dissetar mia sete
bevendo dalle mani di costoro

essi spesso sono epigoni
preferirei dissetarmi dalla fonte stessa
attraversando poi i saloni di lettura
m'accorgo con la coda dell'occhio

lo sgurdo preoccupato e attento
di un lettore immerso
tra portatile, cuffie , matite e tomo
si sente perso e senza scopo

maledetta sia quella scuola
che si ciba di se stessa col nozionismo
non facendo avanzar cultura di un sol passo
anzi relegadola allo scopo

di un lasciapassare
per giungere alla fine del corso
ad esser nominato dottore
senza aver creato un gran sollazzo

dov'e' finito lo spirito di Socrate
lo zelo di Zenone
i dialogni tra Aristotele e Platone
e le scoperte del Cusano

fortunatamente nel web c'e tutto
con un po di zelo e di avventura
potrai riscoprire il gusto
di piu' edificante lettura

privandola cosi
dal suo banale scopo
e dando finalmente spazio
a curiosita' e sollazzo.



Giovani amici miei 
non lasciate che la condizione
ereditata dai precedenti
imponga gabbia al vostro vivere

siete nati liberi
e come giovani leoni 
cercate in questa vita
un futuro futuribile

che possa dare spazio
a tutte quelle forme di espressione
che sono il vivo miracolo

non esitate a tentare
nuove soluzioni
la nostra mente è simile ad un bosco
in ognuno è differente

ricco di animali e vegetazione
un paradiso naturale
da cui tutto dipende
nessun veto o regola 

può limitare l'estensione
perchè in continuo accrescimento
in ogni attimo c'è respiro certo
e i pensieri seguono quel ritmo

forse questa società 
vi vuole relegare a compiti più infimi
non acettate tutto 
come fosse manna dal cielo

trovate in voi stessi 
una ragion particolare
che vi aiuti ad esprimere 
la vostra vera essenza

tra qualche anno i vecchi spariranno
è sarà allora compito vostro
quello di assecondar il nuovo corso
del nuovo che avvicenda 

quel che nuovo 
fu un tempo.


Intolleranza Simón del deserto Luis Bunuel 1965

venerdì 25 luglio 2014

infiniti mondi per infinite logiche per infinite verità

Infinite logiche per infiniti mondi per infinite verità(tratto da cosa a cosa)

Di questi tempi sembra assai arduo parlare di argomenti che possono distogliere l'uomo dalle proprie credenze.Il cameratismo politico , la ricerca del consenso,la follia del fantismo religioso, i nuovi culti, l'immenso universo della ricerca scientifica e non rappresentano pur in maniera differente un limite a tutte quelle possibilità escluse o perchè ignote o peggio per petulante logica o ancor peggio per banale credulità.
''Una nuova concezione dell'uomo implica una nuova concezione dell'universo,''
Detto cosi questa frase sembra banale e priva di senso , ma non è cosi.
In tutti i campi di ricerca sia scentifici ,psicologici e non è stato sempre trascurato un importante aspetto della natura umana spesso banalmente usato o preso in relativa considerazione.
Che cosa è l'immaginazione?
e' possibile stabilirne i confini e individuarne le forme?
è una funzione relativa all'essere o assoluta per tutti gli individui?

difficile rispondere in maniera precisa ad argomenti cosi genericamente scrutabili,la stessa parola''immaginazione '' vorrebbe in qualche modo definirne il concetto almeno in apparenza per conoscere l'argomento da trattare.Esistono migliaia di definizioni , tutte più o meno logiche e accettabili , condivise e rese commestibili ad un sistema mentale che razionalizza e non ottimizza , incamerando molto ed esprimendo molto poco.I limiti di questo grave difetto sono purtroppo i frutto di un antica e mai risolta questione,chi è veramente l'uomo?quello che pensa e immagina o quello che il mondo che lo circonda gli fa credere?
Molti di noi se non tutti per ovvi motivi optiamo per la seconda scelta relegando la prima solo a piccoli momenti di limitato relax o per lavoro.
Questo accade perchè solo negli altri crediamo di conoscere la nostra esistenza in quanto pigramente abituati a non immaginare singolarmente ma in relazione ad un collettivo(miti, ideologie, credi, etc)
Tutto ciò accade per due motivi:
paura del giudizio collettivo
questi limiti imposti da nessuna legge universale sono il vero difetto dell'umanità che ha posto tutta l'attenzione sull'utilizzo del consenso
come punto di arrivo della propria personale esperienza.
I limiti imposti da una cultura che naviga in un unica direzione
crea disagi frustrazioni e conflitti.
L' immaginazione è molto di più , possiamo considerare il cosmo infinito con infiniti mondi , e ne conosciamo almeno in apparenza qualcuno grazie alla tecnologia , ma saremo in grado di scoprire l'indefinita immaginazione?
Qualunque forma d'arte o di opera umana mai esistita prima e accidente dell'immaginazione, il calcolo e la logica sono limitanti , l'immaginazione illumina il percorso , sta a noi poi cercarne i sentieri logici per renderlo condivisibile(che non è una necessità dell'immaginazione ma dell'uomo per identificarsi)
Essendo ogni uomo fornito del proprio corredo di immaginazione le novità create possono essere davvero innumerabili.
E'proprio dell'uomo di ricerca quell'infaticabile costruzione di nessi e connessi tenendo ben in mente di non ''accomodarsi'' su presunte posizioni conclusive ed assolute, la ricerca in qualsiasi campo rimane sempre aperta , nuove scoperte s'aggiungono e superano quelle precedenti stratificando quella conoscenza che similmente come nello spazio tende all'infinito.(da cosa a cosa di G.C)


Il processo della cognizione è già miracolo se uno s'accorge di come è differente il sentire la realtà in ognuno di noi non come impulso a causa d'accidente ma come libera interpretazione del cosmo, ciò può avvenire solo con una coerente ricerca personale libera dai vincoli dell'utilità e dal nozionismo teosofico.Ognuno interpreta per se ciò che sente dentro , per questo motivo noi siamo ciò che sentiamo , la volontà è un tentativo di rendere questo aspetto condivisibile , ma come tutte le manifestazioni dell'espressione di materia dall'unicità del sentire diviene molteplicità dell'immaginativo perché proprio causa di un nuovo sentire per un sentire precedente.La logica ci aiuta a tenere ben saldi i principi del discorso e le parole usate nel loro senso compiuto rappresentano all'interno del discorso quell'insieme di immagini condivisibili e credute assolute ( quando in realtà non lo sono, proprio perché ad ogni uomo è dato sentire in base alla sua naturale appartenenza all'infinita scala cromatica del sentire stesso)quando in realtà no lo sono.Le teorie raccolgono in se questi aspetti che al ricercatore attento fungono da elemento di partenza per le proprie esperienze irripetibili ed incondivisibili apparentemente.In natura esistono dei fenomeni studiati anche a livello scientifico che consentono a queste''vibrazioni''(sentire ) di risuonare o far risuonanza in altri corpi per la loro particolare posizione nella scala cromatica proprio come accade per la musica con gli strumenti musicali accordati nella stessa scala cromatica . tratto da ''cosa a cosa'' di Giuseppe Ciaravolo Giuseppe

da cosa a cosa

Qualunque aspetto abbia la vita nell'universo,che sia concepibile come materiale , spettrale o intellettiva,in nessuna di esse trova realizzazione assoluta ma solo breve transizione di stato.
La materia benche ' abbia una consistenza tangibile e' in se stessa intellettiva e spettrale,la ragione di questo legame consiste nella trasformazione che essa stessa apporta da forma elementare a forma complessa.Cio' avviene non solo per le piccole particelle che la compongono(atomi)ma anche per i corpi celesti(stelle , quasar,buchi neri).L'infinitamente piccolo e l'infinitamente grande rappresentano dinamiche simili
almeno in apparenza.Le leggi che regolano questo dinamismo sono spettrali e intellettive.
L'esistenza delle radiofrequenze delle microonde e di tutta quella natura invisibile , rappresenta un altro aspetto della vita,che interagendo con la materia stessa ne apporta ulteriori trasformazioni per generare cosi nuovi aspetti della vita stessa.La natura stessa delle onde spettrali e con lo sviluppo tecnologico hanno aiutato molto nella ricerca dell'origine del macro e micro cosmo.
La natura intellettiva e' una proprieta' che riguarda tutte le forme di vita , dalle piu' elementari a quelle complesse(farebbe sorridere pensare che un atomo pensi a se stesso o che un buco nero sia cosciente del suo stato,non possiamo escludere che a stati diversi di trasfomazione non corrispondano pure stati cognitivi).Noi uomini abbiamo spesso l'arrogante presunzione di ritenerci gli unici veri interlocutori del mistero delle cose perche' per come siamo fatti abbiamo trasformato il mondo che ci circonda.E' falso!I ragni per esempio costruiscono le ragnatele ripetendo geometrie perfettissime pur essendo considerati intellettivamente inferiori a noi, e poi castori,formiche etc.Darwin ha dato un grosso contributo alla scienza per comprendere la ragione delle trasformazioni mettendo in risalto quella volonta intrinseca degli esseri al fine di realizzare la propria sopravvivenza.Personalmente ritengo che la teoria si limiti solo agli aspetti accidentali delle forme e non alla natura dinamica della vita.

Giuseppe Ciaravolo tratto da :(Da cosa a cosa)

Grazie ai lettori

Gentili amici, ultimamente sto lavorando ad un nuovo racconto breve , probabilmente scriverò ancora molto spero di non annoiarvi mai,lo scrivere per me è gioia immensa resa ancora più grande dalla vostra attenzione.L'idea di poter condividere i miei pensieri con altre persone  di altri posti forse anche  lontanissimi dal mio e quella di comunicare le mie esperienze con voi  mi aiuta a comprendere chi sono e cosa veramente cerco dalla mia vita.I complimenti e gli apprezzamenti vostri infondono maggiore fiducia a questo piccolo scrittore che seduto dietro al proprio pc immagina e compone sempre nuove cose con la speranza di non cadere mai nell'ovvio e nel luogo comune.Internet sta rivoluzionando il modo di essere uomini aumentando quella capacità di interagire per nuove forme di comunicazione e forse anche di vita più evoluta.Un mondo senza fantasia è un mondo senza vita, ognuno può accendere questa piccola fiamma interiore per dare maggior ragione alla propria esistenza ,il comunicarlo è quella possibilità di farla diventare realtà.Ognuno di noi per quanto simile è speciale a se stesso, questa infinita variabilità esprime nella sua totale essenza i molteplici aspetti della natura.In ogni uomo vi sono millenni di storia e infiniti di fantasia.Non cedete all'inganno di chi vuol far credere che solo attraverso i giusti  mezzi si può ottenere il risultato sperato.La vita è imprevedibile per tutti noi leggere e comunicare ci aiuteranno a vedere meglio questa cosa.Vi auguro ogni bene.

Giuseppe Ciaravolo

altro blog

giovedì 24 luglio 2014

World Cup - Foot 2014 (Rémi Gaillard)


musiche per idee




Re: ارتجال رساله اليها 2






balletto d' autunno




martedì 22 luglio 2014


Angolo letterario

Fratelli e sorelle
l'affezionarsi al proprio credo
può essere mortale
per le muse creatrici

lasciate qualche spazio pure a loro
perché a furia di sentire
di farfalle penzolanti
e animali strani

la poesia muore
e con essa anche la fallace illusione,
di descrizioni estive
ce ne sono vagoni pieni

come di ingiuste sofferenze
e guerre e mortalità infantili,
la penna non è un bastone da comando
ma un leggero soffio

che accarezza e penetra al tempo stesso.
l'arguzia di far sentire
un pentimento a tempo
o qualche sensazione

riflette lo scopo basso dello scrivere
che nasce per prender volo in autonomia
per poi precipitare rovinosamente
a causa dello scrittoide assai convinto

le  parole lo sanno da sole
qual'è per loro
il miglior consiglio.
Scusate la mia franchezza

non parlo per esser sodomizzato
dai vostri eccelsi commenti
ne ne posto altri miei
perchè risulterebbero avvilenti

se la scrittura non vi piace
potete scegliere altrimenti.
Parlate se vi riesce con le vostre muse
ascoltatele attentamente

ma non prendetele sul serio
loro sono eterne
noi invece condannati a far silenzio
quando il soffio tace al nostro interno,

in questo breve tempo
sforziamoci di prenderle
non con le vuote preghiere
ma in combattimento,

cosi da alimentar in loro
stupore e meraviglia
esse vivono del nostro soffio
non lasciamole morire in agonia,

per il nostro perseverante petulare
fatto di convinzioni
che forse in fondo in fondo
nemmeno noi crediamo.

ripetiamo a memoria
cio che ci suggerisce  la mente
senza soffermarci troppo
perchè è estate e la poesia è in ferie,

Quest'angolo letterario
può essere un cielo aperto ed infinito
non trasformiamolo
in un letamaio di ovvietà e consigli,

spendere il proprio tempo
è putroppo obbligatorio
scrivere non è necessario
se si è convinti di sapere già tutto,

lo scrittore è un ignorante
perchè più scrive
e più s'accorge
di non sapere niente,

il petulante sa tutto
e per questo si sente capace
la convinzione è la morte della conoscenza
anche se questo non ci piace.





Viaggio nello spazio

Un giorno per amore

una notte sola

Alla mia stella del mattino

il fine e i mezzi

il fine e i mezzi

I DIMENTICATI dalla storia super (ufficiale)

giovedì 17 luglio 2014



The summer that year was not the best, hail, rain and sunshine alternated as in a dance folle.La people always complain when their profits go to the bottom, because it claims, rightly, to have a fair advantage to the work created. Nature as free offers so take away, it's just a matter of time.La Rochelle is a town rich in history and activity time, he was a huge crossroads of trade flows directed towards the new lands beyond the ocean, the island adjacent to the headland provides shelter to the boats when the fearsome sea makes its immense strength.
Attilio is a young man of good family more prone to the fun that the commitments imposed by his father, this does not stop him entertaining when working with clients boulangerie handsome family, looking slyly intrigue and seduce them.Non then he found it very difficult to get approaches love with married women, being good-looking and remarkable loquacity.His father, fearing the worst for these relations had repeatedly turned away from work, more to appease the talk of the ward that paternal love, but from the good parent reinstated almost immediately, realizing that most of the customers vanished with his absence.
In front of the bakery at number 17 Rue Villeneuve lived a usurer, a kind of low, ominous-known as Noir Gabella, his wife Clotilde was a very handsome woman is every day in the company of his daughter Bruna went to the shop to make their shopping.Bruna is a masculine-looking lass in the flesh, but deeply in love Attilio unrequited, to 20 years in certain cooked seem to be the only reason for living especially when nature was not very generous.
Attilio ''Clotilde Hello! Hello Bruna.What can I do for you?''
A voice said from the back of the shop'' Del bread son, we only sell donuts and bread'' was Sesto father Attilio.
Attilio'' do not worry about what he says, in recent times want to be witty, but he does bad, my poor mother who married''
Clotilde'' Even my husband makes jokes nonsense that only seem to amuse him, then you get used to not hear more.'' Bruna looked sternly at her mother, not so much to defend her father, she did not even laugh, fear to be confronted with his mother for Attilio disturbed her.
Clotilde was married to Gabella to pay off gambling debts of his father, a man who because of his wife's death in a short squandered the considerable family wealth , playing card games and drinking cognac.She loved Floubert, an employee of the cadastre orphaned of both parents at an early age. rumor was that the lady had never forgotten his great love and secretly met him, despite the past years.
Attilio'' Madame here is your bread'' ironically'' Fortunately, there is the love that makes everything look more beautiful''
Clotilde'' Yes! Fortunately, well said, just for luck''
Bruna annoyed, with a fake smile that betrays her jealousy'' Let's mother?''
Clotilde'' You my dear, today there is a market I want to buy some new clothes for me and for you.'' Leaving radiant smile greets with the clerk.
Sesto out of the back'' Leave that woman alone!'' Do not put ideas in your head, I know for a long time and are not allowed to one like you''
Attilio'' Why do I lack?I'm Tall and strong young man, unlike you''
Sesto'''Id better shut up, or I'll throw a slap, ugly goat rude. This is the result of my sacrifice!'' Swinging his head.
Attilio'' Dad was joking, you know that in the end, but just in my heart I love you, but what I said is true''
Sesto screaming'' Go away ungrateful! Get out and found another job before I lose my patience and you really beat you.''
Attilio quickly takes off his coat and heading for the exit smiling dad says-'' Hello'' I'll see you tonight
Sesto'' Go to hell!''
The market is located on Rue du Palais, characterized by its beautiful white stone porches, the stalls are arranged on both sides of the road leaving a small central corridor for passers under the arcades small groups of housewives chatting undisturbed.That day had come the news of the arrival of a theater company, the topic of discussion was just that, a major concern of the women of the neighborhood was to hold off the invasion of their husbands girls so handsome and unscrupulous in exchange for some gift, sometimes expensive, they allowed themselves easily, bringing a breath of fresh air in a country moldy by the false moral bigot.In those special occasions many men have discovered deep interest in theater, externalizing the unknown, well hidden but taking this secret wives. E 'likely that they were more concerned about the budget of the house for the escapades of their men. Dynamics of those marital relationships carried out with hard work and sacrifices till death does not separate a true sentence for some.
Housewife 1'' Here they are there! Which ashamed.''
Housewife 2'' are plucking the chickens.As men are stupid ''
Housewife 3'' But I am really beautiful!''
Housewife 1 and 2 in the choir'' is beautiful and expensive.'' Laughing
Down the road we see a large movement of people running, stalls turned over, someone falls, others asking for help.
'' It 'crazy'' says one running like hell, the housewives crouched together to not be overwhelmed by the crowd panicked.
It 'a sheep escaped from the slaughterhouse with a big wound in the throat, pain enraged charge whatever obstacles his escape, the butchers are amazed by the strength of the animal, in a few moments he broke his bonds and gored two assistants who had tried to stop it.Il worst damage was caused by the amount of people to get to safety as a flood destroyed all mad, there is also among the wounded Attilio that just moments before had tried in vain to make an appointment with Gina and a pretty girl by sound principles.
Attilio pain with'' Accursed animal, I have broken my legs, I'll give you the last rites if I catch you.''
They arrived two policemen, one of them pointed a big shotgun toward the animal continued to gore an empty basket, she felt a roar, and the fury ceased.The merchants made ​​them feel their voice, they wanted to be compensated for damage suffered the damage was remarkable, hardly could have paid all the butchers, for this reason, merchants and butchers began a real battle with his fists and slaps, the latter being the lowest-numbered risked a real lynching also by the population, it was requires the intervention of a whole platoon of guards to quell the riot.
Attilio was being rushed to a nearby hospital, the situation was really serious, he lost the use of both legs, shot in the back was forever marked his fate.Clotilde and Bruna remained unharmed because they were sheltered under a cart. Floubert who was there to meet Clotilde just escaped the danger in time, diving into a vat containing the cod smelly.
Vicissitudes of the news spread even in neighboring countries, a local newspaper published a long and detailed article for a long time remained the memory of that event, the slaughterhouse was moved to a safer place and the owners of the slaughterhouse had to pay all damages .
The troupe left the next day for another place, the show was canceled of course, other injured were judged heal within a few weeks.
Bruna'' Cursed beasts! Poor Attilio forced to wheelchair''
Clotilde'' A real bad luck! So young''
Gabella'' Certainly tolls will have made quite a bit of money for her legs. My friend informed me that Martel has grossed more than 20,000 francs bonus plus a monthly annuity, even swift-footed Achilles was so lucky.''
Clotilde'' You don't ever contradict.even jokes about serious things''
Gabella'' no I'm not joking all.It's 'my job, doing the math this guy in some time will become rich, it will be difficult to squander in his condition and this is an advantage, plus his parents when there will no longer leave all the the savings of a lifetime, the house and the boulangerie if this is not luck.'''' then resumes Imagine if it had been poor and orphaned, without compensation and pension, in which case it would have been really unlucky''
Clotilde looked at him without saying anything, he gets up to take the cognac to serve her husband.
Bruna'' Dad'' I have a confession to make
Gabella'' Tell me my baby''
Bruna'' I do not know I'm ashamed''
Gabella'' talk'' and do not fear
Bruna'' I think the feeling of trying to Attilio, before I liked so much, now that is reduced even more so''
Gabella'' Are you sure? Now is a halfling. Yet his pension and everything else they might be tomorrow utili.Se want to speak with her father to know how he is and then I'll try to be satisfied with my do not promise you anything for sure, I'll put all my ability to persuade for your happiness''
'' Dad'' You're adorable'' Bruna giving him a kiss and ran to his room.
Gabella Clotilde'' Our daughter is a saint!''
Clotilde'' You did not intend to marry our daughter with that lame?
Gabella'' Who understands you is good, before you felt sorry for him, now he is a cripple''
Clotilde'' are phrases that got to do with chance, you say so without malice. You think about our daughter? Or are you only interested in the money?''
Gabella'' It 'a great deal, I will not even get the girl because it already feels to love him, it would be unfortunate to miss this chance''
Clotilde'' Business, always business, in this house, we speak one language''
Gabella'' E 'the universal language of money, all people in the world appreciate the benefits, without money is like being dead, what does it matter to people if you have a leg two or three, everybody respects you and flatter you when you're rich , to give only poor kicks and they ignore you, trust me I come from a poor family, thanks to my job now I can afford every whim.''
Clotilde'' Okay, we'll do as you say''
Gabella with satisfaction'' I have a wonderful family.''
Within two months we were publications, shortly thereafter the two young newlyweds would become, thanks to the insistence of Sesto he considered this an opportunity not to trascurare.Attilio was so discouraged by his accident he accepted without hesitation.
The two went to live in an apartment on the ground floor of a building, not far from the house of the parents of both, everything seemed to proceed regularly, in the morning after a hearty breakfast Bruna led him to take a long ride in the country as if to show a trophy hunting, Attilio resigned pretended to be happy, all the friends once seemed to have disappeared into thin air, no one told him about their own adventures, to avoid embarrass him, having regard to the condition in which it was not even invited him to 'tavern for a simple card game, too hard to push the wheelchair, and then who would accompany him to his needs? This thought his friends, best to ignore, forget and just avoid it.
Gabella died a year later because of a stroke, Sesto two years later lso Attilio's mother some time and bedridden for years, the couple iherited an immense fortune .
Clotilde not remarried, he went to live in another city with his Floubert, love never forgotten. Bruna continued
his father's work, he credits with various customers that exceeded the one million francs, the interest for loans lievitavano over time, to collect the money from the reticent, he served as Gabella of two brothers, the Minz, they lived in a nearby village and ruthlessly tithes always never fallire.Attilio no longer having the time and his wife took Rached a young Tunisian who emigrated several years ago and settled with his parents in La Rochelle.
Every morning Rached prepared breakfast to his master, took him around the city and at the inn, where strangely his old friends this time invited him to sit with them to play cards or bere.Attilio was a skilled player, played to twenty-one and above all money, he always comes out the winner.
The walk also included a short stop near the home of Gina, the girl who had tried to learn before the accident, a serious girl, from sound principles, he had not married because of her economic condition in this country if you do not have a free six ignored even if you are Venus in person.
Her parents gladly accepted the company of a man so wealthy, often without knowing anything about Gina, Attilio provided for the needs of the home, giving its Rached to the task of performing this function in its vece.
She was attracted by ways and gentle and kind of Attilio
, was especially fascinated by his great experience in matters of the heart, repeatedly brought her novels to read and then comment on them the next time. Attilio loved that woman, she could not forget her.
Bruna increasingly committed to diligently perform the work inherited that often came home late, did not care for most of her husband, considering it does not live up to its entrepreneurial capacity, compassionate sweetness once gave way to arrogance of greed. in fact betrayed him with Martel old friend of her father .Rached kept informed of every thing, was led to make investigations, it would be a great cop if he had the chance, so he informed his master's betrayal of his wife.
Attilio did not seem troubled by this story, hoping one day to be able to have sealed his own Gina.
Time after Bruna,Martel way to Paris for business, had a tragic accident, the runaway horse threw the carriage of the two, in a deep and rocky ravine, Martel died on the spot, Bruna completely
lost his mind and was locked up in an insane asylum a little later she followed Martel.
Attilio married Gina, the two went to live in the family home of Attilio, with his wife's death he had become rich, things were going well for a while, then change,was jealous of Gina, Rached became his shadow, every day had to communicate anything or anyone she met, she was a good girl, she had no one, he recommended the servant. Attilio jealous even insinuated that there was a relationship between his wife and Rached, for this reason the faithful servtore fired, forcing his wife to take care of him for the whole tempo.Gina as a good woman who had indulged every whim of her husband, often did repeat paths several times with the wheelchair for the purpose of sfinirla, that love became an obsession.
It was November and the sea was stormy, Attilio despite the bad weather brought by his wife wanted to be on the dock because he wanted to see the sea, on the way he expressed his regret, blaming everything against Gina
accusing her of being a beggar incapable and that just because he had lost the use of his legs, he inveighed against the extremely poor, despite not having a valid ragione.Giunti the harbor, the wind was strong and the waves slammed violently against the pier, raising columns of water and spray the highest, most times she tried to persuade her husband to go back, was adamant he wanted to see this great spectacle of violence of nature, a gust of wind blew off his hat Gina, this tumbled a few feet behind of himself, the young man left the wheelchair without thinking for recupere hat, there succeed back Attilio did not find it, and in his wheelchair.
A few days later when the storm ceased was found a piece of the wheelchair but Attilio not found more body.
The young and comely Gina became the richest in the city, summed up the faithful servant Rached that after some time he married her.



Alexander Chapter 5

Chapter 5

The gold of wises

That little boat continued its slow journey probing waves

of that great sea very sharp like a knife slicing the bread, not far from the coast,

Tenedos Watching the horizon for any vessels or boats pirate and then repair the

ground if there were any need.This procedure in the opinion of Captain guaranteed

greater than in protecting the offshore.So to run the day to night and to this day I

spent the next hour in silence my youth reflecting on those experiences that led me

to deep thoughts on the great mystery of nature of things.I realized to be still in its

infancy because any form of knowledge or other unknown aroused in me a greater

desire to understand how to relate these to create a single path and just as the road

that runs to reach a place determined in this case it is very easy to get lost even

turning around to topics and unable to find anything convincing, the time for these

things is not enough, often our desires make us yearn to reason things seem

impossible and even if it happens that these occur as if by magic, in reality, a great

joy permeates our hearts for having achieved that goal, but at the same time, a new

question arises another horizon and a new will increases the desire to discover.

I often wondered what was the meaning of all this research, if it was a whim youth

destined to oblivion with the passage of time or perhaps something more profound

with the inexplicable reason.So in my thoughts I was looking for a truth that

conviction was not only hoping to find other reasons that formed the body, this

helped me the fantasy that magically makes visible the imagined possible and every

abstract form.

Arrived at Alexandria and landed at the port I noticed a multitude of small shapes

moving hastily from one point to another big market adjacent to the pier, I felt a lot

of whispering voices and sounds that I was a little surprised, being accustomed to

the silence and small markets where you know almost all there every people is

called by name, I felt out of place and was not a trivial finding, more and more we

approached , the rumor grew, like a huge swarm of bees, people of all types

discussed about to merchandise to buy in a succession of shouting pulled out with

all the air with of lungs. We continued without stopping for a destination that

became more and more distant, the directions as given by the merchant in exile

turned out wrong or at least inaccurate, time and hard work the inhabitants had

transformed that city, somehow had to find those books was an important goal for

us. Grisilio without losing heart confirmed these suspicions believing that finding

the place was almost impossible, it was like looking for the 'needle in a stream, a

huge and long stream.

Once in a great square, three-column high catch my eye, the remains of what was

left of the ancient Roman Empire, probably at the time this place was used for

pragmatic cults propitiatory, it was certainly the remains of a temple dedicated to

some kind of deity, all around there were small houses of all shapes, high or low

built according to the tastes of the place, the predominant color of these houses was

white, but it happened every now and then to find some of these very different in

color as the red or ocher, driven by curiosity and perhaps to find some valuable

information useful for our purpose, we entered one of these, I found out right away

that these so differently colored houses were places of entertainment, we were

greeted with kindness by what must be the owner, who invited us to take a seat in

one of the officers around the small stage where he prepared on coals dishes to be

served to customers, we were in an inn, men face marked by time sitting on big

stone steps around small table quietly smoking a water pipe, the air was imbued

with different smells, I was very hungry and ordered a dish of mutton and tea.

Grisilio all looked amused and occasionally threw the eye to see my reaction, this

made him more fun, I had never been in such a place and to my misfortune doesn't

know much about the habits of the place apart from the odd encounter with

someone I met in the villages crossed, chatting with strangers was not easy, I was a

little confused when I saw a beautiful girl who helped in the inn, she was beautiful

long raven colored hair and big green eyes.

She ''Hello stranger you like your meat?''

I was stunned for a moment and then i said with a complacent smile'' Is excellent !

She is all ''Excellent?Here everything is excellent'' laughing heartily

She ''What is your name? I am Saramide'' pouring from drinking hot tea

Alexander ''I am Alexander has come from a distant place''

Saramide ''Do merchants,surely you're looking for something, no one comes around

here without search for, sell or buy something , many come to find and excavate the

ancient tombs of the Pharaohs taking away all''

Alexander ''Not we are in search of fortune and we have no interest in trying the

pyramid of Pharahos,we are here for of a friend of ours who no longer lives here

now to bring your news his family.''

Saramide ''He must be a true friend''

Alexander ''A good friend, known years earlier by my traveling companion''

Saramide ''You have to ask my father, the innkeeper he knows a lot of people and

points to its nature of things many years ago''

Saramide ''Come, I'll show you something that maybe you've never seen''

Alexander ''What and?''

Saramide ''A surprise. Do not be afraid Alexander not anything bad will happen to

you, you're safe here, not're not afraid of me?''

With great curiosity and to answer the question of Saramide Grisilio looked almost

without speaking to ask his advice on the invitation, he gave me a nod and leaving

each lateness accepted the invitation.

Alexander ''How can I turn down an invitation like that, I'm not afraid.''

Saramide led me into another room where stood a small door at the bottom, we

went down the stairs to the small for more than ten or fifteen feet, the air is cool

and it felt almost cold, reached the bottom, there was a small light oil lamp that

Saramide had brought with him from upstairs, followed her i was very close to avoid

taking some accident, she had a heady perfume, and sincerely I filled my lungs, i

tried to kiss her, but I'm gallant as , I was curious to see what was the surprise.

Arrived at the end of this long tunnel, I noticed that there was a trap door in the

floor, she asked me to help her because this hatch unlike the door above was

studded with iron and copper and zinc, we were able to raise it by letting us help a

lever nearby and used for just that.

Other scales, I counted forty until we came to a large underground cave where he

felt the water flow, unlike the room above this was more illuminated thanks to the

presence of numerous holes sticking out of the surface from which the people

drawing water for their own needs .Was own a small underground river, the water

flowed incessantly, the underground rocks smoothed by water seemed carved, the

dull roar of the stream made the place even more relaxing.

She took my hand and we sat on a stone at the side of this icy stream, gently dipped

her legs up to my knees, I looked amazed and astonished, she was beautiful, her

skin ivory and her body so clear I glared, his every gesture amplified in me the

desire to please, and I did the same with her immersed in the fresh waters.

Alexander ''Very interesting, but what is the surprise?''Fantasizing to have a loving

approach to her.

Saramide ''You have to have a little patience, you'll see that it will be worth it''

He nodded convinced to get some kind of favor from her desire is incremented

more and more for the long wait.

The icy water forced me to go out almost immediately because they do not tolerate

it more than the contrast of the warm inner desire and the cold outside contact.

Saramide out of the water with a sweet smile told me ''You got cold?you will see

everything will be forgotten if you still patience''

Alexander ''No not that I'm cold and I'm not used to take a bath in the icy waters so,

I'm really curious to know what is the surprise.''

She pulled out a bag he had with him a small stone tied to his belt color greyish

white, pointed me to take an old wooden a bowl left who knows how long in that

place and fill it with water, this stone slid slowly in bowl and after a few seconds

invited me to touch the water, this had become as hot as if it had been placed on a

vivid flame, I did not understand the reason for this phenomenon remains amazed,

I even thought that it was all a sham and that the liquid warm the place she had

when I was distracted.In fact it was a natural phenomenon due to the nature of the

two elements, often the reason allows us to make great discoveries and

understanding the causes of many phenomena when it is free from the bonds of

superstition and the presumption.
Saramide ''Surprised?Look how heat diffuses,now ask your hands above and

heated !'' I did not say anything and warmed my hands.

Saramide ''It was donated me by a customer of passage, telling me to keep it and use

it when necessary, was a tall and bearded very like the characteristics of northern

people Europe, he told me that he had discovered this stone by accident while doing

some research on other stones, the purpose of his trip was to catalog the largest

possible number of stones precisely describing the nature and form''

Alexander '' Luckily not all men are interested in gold and precious otherwise this

world would already be finished with centuries''.

We did the whole way uphill to return to the great hall where Grisilio was

conversing with the father of the girl, the two looked like long time friends, .

Grisilio ''How did it go? Did you see how wonderful?''

Alexander was speechless and amazed by the fact that Grisilio was already aware of

that phenomenon.

Grisilio ''I have some information about the place we seek, is just a few miles from

here, the only problem is that we do not live more relatives of Constantine and I

think it will be a little difficult to ask the current residents to be able to rummage

around in their home, however I have a certain idea I am sure it will work''

It seemed that much time had passed since our arrival at the inn, they were actually

only been a few hours and in such a short time we had the answers looking for.I was

excited at the thought of being able to touch and read those books so precious

hidden by Constantine along with other manuscripts for a long time.

Grisilio ''Tomorrow will leave early so as to arrive soon in the old house of my

friend,I'll find a system in order to find those books offering in exchange some

It seemed as happy as a child waiting for some gift for his loved ones and certain of

their loyalty, looking forward to finally being able to satisfy their desire.

For the night we lodged in a small room of the local at the end of a long, dark

corridor instead of the door there was a large blue cloth held up by a bamboo pole,

the environment appeared neat and simple, there were two couches a pitcher of

water and a small vase for the needs of night, in the upper right corner there was a

small window left open at night to circulate the air from which you could see a little

piece of sky.there were other rooms along the corridor all more or less decorated in

the same way, the only difference being the color of the curtains at the entrance,

sometimes some of these floated for the flow of air leaving a glimpse of the interior,

the simplicity of this accommodation I brought back a few years bringing back

memories of when I was at the monastery, a certain sadness prevailed in my mind.

The day of my abduction I had not had any news of my parents, I remembered the

voices, and especially their affection that I missed so much, who knows maybe one

day I would have reviewed, not accattavo the idea of ​​losing them forever.

Grisilio immediately fell asleep and snored abundantly, this did not help to

reconcile my sleep.

That night seemed endless, but Alexander was able to fall asleep turning round and

round on itself because the bed was uncomfortable, the effect of the dinner of

mutton made ​​his career by giving him the feeling of having eaten a whole ox,

fortunately in the company of sleep and dreaming everything fits especially when it

appears in a dream to live actively participating in all the events and staying at the

same time as a spectator.

Alexander dreamed himself lying on a rock by the dark gray inside a large cavern

illuminated only by small torches as if he were asleep, there was a young boy with a shaved head with a lighted torch in his hand, while remaining motionless on the

boulder followed him, the young man led him first into a cave and then another

still, it was dark black, the only source of light was the small flame of the unknown,

come to the end of this long journey the boy disappeared, leaving a lighted small

door in black, was made of ebony and presented some hieroglyphics in the inlay,

intrigued by this and by the desire to know what lay beyond, the attempted several

times to open it without success, looking good those inlays while not knowing the

meaning had the 'idea of connecting those figures that were embedded in order to

get a bigger image, it worked and the door opened.

Inside the temple stood a splendid brightly colored place and brightly lit as if it

were the sun , there were three routes consisting of steps, one on the right that led

into a small hall with a few steps of stone, the middle one, however, was longer and

appeared as a narrow passageway to access the upper floor, the third was going

down to the down not revealing the end, only through one of these could be

reached to the top floor which was made on either side by two huge statues of the

sphinx and the center illuminated by a powerful light that wraps a woman dancing,

behind there were six pairs of towering columns and other steps, was a sort of maze

where the outlook changed depending on the chosen direction, was the temple of

the goddess Maat.

Grisilio'' Wake up it's time to travel'' smile'' Like sleep?''

Alexander jumped out of bed quickly you wash my face and said,'' Let's go''-

That day the air was soaked sand approached a terrible storm, in a short time would

have been even more difficult to navigate in that city.

Grisilio'' Here is the housing, fits the description of my friend. Wait for me here.''

He knocked several times on the door of wood without receiving a response, waited a few moments to continue to beat the wood with more force.The door opened a

little just to see who was knocking, from a very old woman asked who he was, the

wind increased and the sand began to cover plenty of the typical domed roofs,

Grisilio motioned for her to go with him to get in, you could barely hear the voice .

were greeted well by the woman thanks to the my friend's purse who was always

full of gold, the environment was cramped with few things almost all worn out by

time, in the middle of the room there was a small trap door that would lead to lower

levels where the supplies were kept.

Grisilio'' Thank you for everything Amira, thank you''

Amira'' I'm sorry to offer other than my decoction of quince, are ill with

rheumatism, my husband died ten years ago in the desert for the bite of a snake, I

live alone and I'm always happy to talk with someone attentive to

The last week or month can not remember, came to see the two men who claimed to

be friends of my late husband, I have hosted as is our custom, I had asked about the

books that my husband had to have, I do not know nothing but these angry began to

rummage everywhere. One threatened me with a big knife and the other was

practically poking around the entire house, also fell for the trap door already

repeating the same, finding nothing I flung him to the ground and fled with

via.Grisilio concern'' I hope not happened nothing harm''

Amira'' Nothing only a few scratches, the worst was tidy up the house after the two

had devastated the damned.''

Grisilio'' So they went away without taking anything?''

Amira'' Yes, I ran like chased by a bull''

Grisilio'' I promise that if I find those books I will pay you so well that you can

afford to have a woman who is to provide for his needs for the rest of his days. We haven't put anything up and down like them, because I know the hiding place,

Constantine proved to me that lived for at some time in this house.''

Amira'' Go ahead, you have my permission''.

The two opened the trap door beneath this were marked signs of hiding, in fact

there was an inlay, very similar to the one dreamed up by Alexander, the only

difference is that the figures were firmly attached to the wood.Grisilio taken a

compass and triangle so as to form a double triangle on the edge of the carved

figures were engraved in letters of an unknown language, their total number was six

in less than an hour Grisilio solved the anagram:



Follow Another Rotation And You'll know A TORT

Finding the object to rotate it was not something simple, we were sure to be close to

the books but still could not touch them. They turned everything but nothing

happened, on the wall near the front door there was a curious four-pointed star that

they had not yet touched, that was the key, he felt a thud as if broken tile or other

manufactured article, with surprise discovered the hiding place, it was right behind

the door, in the left column, all dusty and protected by a linen cloth found the books

of T and M.

Grisilio delighted'' Alexander's time, keep the books, learn the ancient art and guard

them in your mind, do not reveal it to anyone their existence, and I will bring them

with you, they belong to the world of the past, and must return them''

Alexander'' Of course I will do as you say, but how do I get them back?''

Grisilio'' we will not have to do anything yourself, son learns and learns quickly.

Remember once opened they will reveal who you are and what your task, then disappear into thin air.''

Alexander'' Okay teacher will do as you say''

Grisilio'' Should I call teacher you and not you to me, when you read you will know why.''

Amira listened in silence, not believing a word, he thought in his heart that those

two were just dumb down since their discovery, and it was actually a triviality .That

night remained there, the desert wind made it impossible for any movement, even

in the city, would be leaving the next day weather permitting.

Alexander could not resist the curiosity to open those books, tried several times to

peek from the edges to see the inside without seeing anything, could not sleep, he

waited a bit, Amira was in his room on the upper floor, Grisilio sleeping peacefully,

it was time to read these books and learn.

Open the first book of T, a penetrating voice revealed to his mind, all the secrets of

he cosmos and of how to work the magic for the good of humanity, more and more

leafing he learns relentlessly, everything was clear and revealed, the entry does not

would have him most abandoned,

'' That's who you Alexander, you're Arpino, Zeno and Christian Rosicrucian. You

are without space and time, your deeds will be remembered forever, you will do

many good things for people, but they will judge you and condemn you, as they have

done with others.''

Alexander was so surprised that he did not utter a word, finally had everything clear

his fate, birth, and the various events that had brought him there.

He was born a new man.

He opened the book of M another voice this most delicate whisper sweet words by

simply learning how to work on the matter to get anything from the entire cosmos,

the samples were driven from their own imagination, not fù it necessary training

and I already knew a verification what he was and whatever was possible.

He fell into a deep sleep, he remained there for ten days, believing him dead Amira

made him bring in the old family tomb, a small cell not far from her house where lay

the remains of his poor husband.Grisilio had disappeared into thin air, and so also

the two books.

Amira as promised was rewarded abundantly, had such a quantity of gold to afford

servants and immediately domestic.She let that home sad memories from that place

to move into a big house with all comforts.Every day sent a guy shaved to control

the body Alexander. on the tenth day the body was gone, leaving in its place four red

roses intertwined.